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Botanika Blends Protein Review

Posted by Me Muscle Nutrition
Date: 30/04/2021

Protein powders are a convenient way for consumers to boost their protein intake. They are beneficial for athletes and anyone having difficulty meeting their protein needs. But many protein powders available in the market contain animal products, such as whey protein, making it difficult for vegans to find suitable plant-based protein supplements.

Botanika Blends blessed Plant Protein is an Australian-made vegan-friendly, tasteful, and 100% natural plant-based protein powder. This protein powder gets created using premium and nutritious, organic ingredients that include organic pea and brown rice protein. The Botanika Blends Protein Powder that contains digestive enzymes, natural marine minerals, prebiotics, and insulin. This protein has many benefits that are useful in supporting and promoting optimal gut health.

The health supplement market gets dominated by artificial concoctions, but Botanika Blends creates the BEST premium plant-based products in Brisbane, Australia. The plant protein contains 25g of protein in a 40g serve. It gets made from organic ingredients and is free from dairy, gluten, and refined sugars. The main components are processed through low-heat mechanical filtration for a superior amino acid profile. Acacia tree and chicory root are great natural sources of fiber that help with dietary and gut health.

Botanika Blends Protein

  • It has a smooth texture with a delicious taste
  • Highly bioavailable with a superior amino acid profile (including BCAAs)
  • It is a significant source of plant-based dietary fiber and prebiotics, making it vegan-friendly
  • It also helps in cardiovascular health because it is packed with antioxidants
  • It is suitable for muscle, bone, and joint health as it has a high amount of magnesium and calcium.
  • It is also suitable for diabetic patients as it is free from wheat, lactose & refined sugar.
  • It is 100% natural as it does not have any harmful chemicals and artificial flavors.

A tasty and healthy protein powder. It is available in different flavors, such as cocoa hazelnut and fruity Mylk cereal. These have a diverse and delicious taste. One significant benefit of this protein brand is its residue does not get complex, which is not suitable for shakers. So it gives a clear indication of what these branded proteins will do to your body. If the residue does not get hard, it will be good for your body and the digestive system.


Botanika blend is an Australian-based brand that provides protein suitable for vegans. Botanika Blends use premium ingredients to make their incompatible product with unique tastes. If we focus on the taste, then real organic vanilla bean produces a beautiful aroma with fantastic flavor. A dark color present in this protein powder is natural Cacao that gives a fantastic texture. For the caramel and creamy texture, the brand added raw Coconut Water Powder and Coconut Nectar into it. Botanika blend is against using artificial flavors, aromas, and artificial sweeteners to the protein powder.

Here is detailed information of ingredients in Botanika Blends Protein Powder

  • Organic Pea Protein Concentrate
  • Cocoa Powder (10%),
  • Organic Brown Rice Protein Isolate,
  • Organic Raw Cacao Powder,
  • Natural Flavors,
  • Inulin,
  • Acacia Fiber,
  • Natural Marine Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium),
  • L-Glutamine, BCAA (Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine),
  • Vegetable Gum (412),
  • Natural Sweetener (Stevia),
  • Digestive Enzymes.

Botanika Blends’ Plant-Based proteins deliver all-natural, gut-friendly supplements.

Vegan or plant-based diets have been proven to lower oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and control blood pressure and cholesterol. Plant Protein is a delicious organic protein powder that aims to be the most functional powder on the market for health-conscious people.

Green Alchemy Greens by Botanika Blends

It is a tasty protein powder in which hard green beans are mixed to give a smoothie texture. It has five ingredients like barley and wheatgrass, chlorella, spirulina, and aloe Vera. The powder is rich in chlorophyll, vitamin, mineral. The addition of pea fiber also helps to improve the digestive system.

Magikal Mushroom by Botanika Blends

This product is helpful to improve digestion, cognition, skin, and overall good health. The mushroom flower forms artificial sweeteners, coffee powder, and coconut milk.

Plant Protein by Botanika blends

It is free from sugar and gluten, organic, and the digestive system’s best protein.

Me Muscle Nutrition

Muscle Nutrition is a one-stop online shop and the best online vitamin and supplement store in Australia that deals with supplements for weight gain, loss, or increase muscle mass. Muscle Nutrition has the best products, either protein supplement Gold Coast or protein powder suppliers in Australia.

As we know, the pandemic has affected everyone, and Me Muscle Nutrition provides supplements online. They have the best protein for men, best pre-workout Australia, best natural protein powder Australia, vegan protein powder Australia,

If you are in Gold Coast, then look no further because Me Muscle has the best protein supplements, Gold Coast.

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